I (Melissa) got my very first letter from her and I about cried when I was just starting to open it! HA HA! I wanted to share the good parts of that letter as well, so I decided I will randomly have "HAND WRITTEN LETTER" post's as well.
Hand Written Letter to Mom and Dad ~ Mid November
" I want to tell you about the trip and my first week in the field. So Travels- for some reason I was assigned as the Travel Leader. (probably because I am the oldest) So I had to assign companionship's, make sure everyone gets onto the plane, and call the president if there was any problems... etc... Me REALLY? I haven't been on a plane since I was 4 years old. I was so thankful for the elders (most of them) really knew what they were doing and where they were going. Funny Story. So I weighed all my bags before we went. I started packing 3/4 days before I was to leave. I kept checking them; at least 4 times. (half way packing, with everything in, the night before, and then the morning of) I was SO worried about them being overweight. Luckily mine were fine! (49 lbs. and 47 lbs. I think) But 2 of the 3 elders bags were overweight and they had to move stuff into their carry ons! LOL! So I was fine! I tried calling before the plane when off, and on our layover. Both times I could hear your voice but you could not hear me. It was so sad for me. It just about broke my heart. It took all of me not to break down and cry. So it got me thinking... How does our Heavenly Father feel? When he is trying SO hard to talk with us and get through to us... and we are just not listening or tuned out!? How hard it must be for him to not be able to be with all of his children... to have to watch us as we suffer and make mistakes? It is only when we come to him that he can help us. That is why it is so important to keen that relationship strong and that line of communication always in tune with him and the spirit. That is the only way to talk with us. How sad it is also that some people that don't have that relationship with him at all!? To not be able to do anything? Just something that popped into my head... hope it made sense." (I LOVED her analogy here)
Hand written letter to Melissa ~ Nov 16-17
I had been asking her how she was doing in the M.T.C, and teasing her about if she found any elders yet...
"There are actually 2 elders in my district that I totally fell in love with! (but like brothers so don't get too excited Melissa) Elder Lee and Elder Ryan. Elder Ryan and I became close because we were the only one's in our district going to Tampa. And Guess What? You will love it.. he is a ginger! ( I told her about a red headed boy I dated in High School then decided I did not want to date him anymore because I did not want kids with red hair... I lovingly called him a "ginger" so she is teasing me ) One of the coolest gingers I have ever meet! He helped me not get lost on our trip to Tampa. We were able to sit near each other at the firesides... I really feel like I have made lifetime friends already on my mission! And then there is Elder Lee. Where do I start? He reminds me so much of Preston. Which makes me happy. He was really sweet and treated the sisters as normal people. It has been so weird; most of the Elders were really awkward; like they have never seen or talked to a girl before..."
I had a really bad day with Landon, and I was telling her that his new thing to say to me is "You are a BAD MOM!" So this was her response to that letter...
"Tell Landon that you are doing your best!! Melissa, I really hope you know that! You are an amazing mom!! And such a great example to me. I hope one day (soon) I'll meet a guy that loves me as much as Matt loves you and he takes me to the temple and I get to start my own little family. I look up to you so much. You are good with those kids! If nothing else they KNOW you love them! You are an amazing mom!!"
(it is nice for the re-assurance, but also sweet that she talked about her future with marrying in the temple! Then This was the end of her letter...)
" I love you all so much! Thank you for all your support and best wishes. I know everyone is praying for me and I feel the love and support I have back home. I am so thankful for this family. I know I was put in it for a reason. You have helped me grow so much (even when I did not want to) I am so thankful to have you for a sister and a best friend. I hope you know how much I look up to you, and want to be like you. You are such a good role model in my life and I know we were all put into the same family for a reason! I could not ask for a better sister and family! I love you guys SO much! I never knew before I came how much I lean on my family you guys are my ROCK, and I can't wait to get home to spend forever with you all!! Thank You for the cards! I love them even though they usually make me cry! The one with the little tree on it, where you talked about crying in Wal-Mart when you saw the missionaries really has helped me when I want to give up and come home. I love you SO MUCH! I am going to get better at writing! (I promise) Sorry this letter is all over the place; it is where my brain is right now! L.O.L! LOVE YOU! ~
I really enjoy reading all her letters, and seeing her grow as she serves the lord. I feel our family being blessed by her service, and I am SO PROUD of how well she is adjusting! Keep writing her when you can, she told me that being able to get letters from home makes her day! Tomorrow is her P-Day so Look Forward to the next email letter soon!
ALSO notice I have updated her address...
Sister Sharon Andersen
1344 Wild Wood Lake Blvd. Unit 8
Naples, FL 34104
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