Monday, August 26, 2013

Letter #43

Dear family,
No problem daddy!! It's one of my MANY talents I've gained and learned on my mission... wrestling gators!!!  Anytime  hahah (this refers to an alligator tooth that she sent my dad for his birthday.  He asked her last week if it was from a gator and she joked that she had pulled it out herself.  Haha!
So this week he thanked her for wresting the gator for him...)

So this has been a very interesting week to say the least and really challenging. I've felt so bad all this week for Sister O. She's had a really rough week.....oh yeah, she told me it was ok to tell you guys. Just so you know :)  She explained it and said she had a mental break down; she got Dear Janed this week :(  She was just a mess this week. We didn't do anything on p-day...she just laid in bed all day long. It was so sad seeing her like that. But luckily, over time she got to feeling better. She isn't so sad all the time.
And honestly I've seen how turning it all over to the Lord and forgetting your self really works :)  We've seen miracles and blessings from working hard!! I feel like we're starting to get the balance of work and fun!! We're really learning to love the work :) 
It's so funny because we haven't had as much planned this week just cause Sister O been so upset and not herself. So we've been having to do a lot of tracting.....which i hate!!!  It's just not effective!!  I feel like I'm wasting the Lord's time. I hate it! But I did it! Because I wanted to show the Lord I'm willing to do whatever is needed. .......and no one answers, and when they did ....they were mean! I learned people are not very nice! :(
But what was cool tho cause we'll tract for a couple hours during the day and get nowhere. We don't get in with anyone one; but Heavenly Father blesses us in other ways.
We were able to get in with people we haven't been able to get in with..... in weeks. We were able to get some new people to teach :) And we met the sweetest girl who wants us to teach her :) She was asking us questions which lead perfectly into the first lesson.......I see the Lord blessing us as we try to do His will. It was a hard but great week!  Sorry, I'm out of time :/ like always.  I'm going to try to write a letter filling you in.  Well I love you all!!!! God be with you till we meet again!!!!

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