Thanks for all the emails!!! I got to see Baby Bird! :) I got two emails, and a picture from Crystal, and letter from Mom and Dad :D It sure sounds
like everything is going good, and exciting things are happening. I love to hear that! :) Can you please record Preston opening his Mission Call!!?? ( I wish I could be there :( AND take pictures of his girlfriend, I would like to see her please!? :)
(picture is Sister Andersen, Sister Williamson, Mary and I think A Couple serving in Florida; Sharon did not give us that info)
So how was your week? My week was so great!!! YES Mary got baptized and confirmed!!! It was so perfect. I took a ton of pictures but I don't know if I have enough time to download them today. So I might just end
up sending you one today in my e-mail, and then send my flash drive
or memory card next week.( I don't remember if i told you or not, but Steven
sent me another memory card for Christmas. So we can send those back and
forth since they are flat, but I don't know if you can put them on the computer
or not??) So, I guess you can let me know in the next letter.
We had a specialized Training Conference yesterday for all the current Sisters
to prepare for all the new Sisters coming into the mission. It was so nice. We were
able to go over a lot of stuff that we needed to know. They also had a training
on Preach My Gospel; My Purpose part ( it is the last page of the Preach My
Gospel Handbook) It goes over points of what we need to be doing, and focusing
on day by day which really helped me. There is going to be another training right
before the Sisters come. I am still super worried and nervous about it, but I'm
trying not to think about it too much because that is when I start freaking out.
Now that I am thinking about it; this time next week I will have a new companion!!!
I am excitied, and a little sad. I really came to learn to LOVE Sister Williamson.
Even though she wouldn't be someone I would pick as my trainer, and we do not have
a ton in common; we really learned to work well with each other. It is going to be
strange being with someone new, but exciting as well! I just keep telling myself that
the Lord is not going to give me more than I can take! Any struggles I have will only
make me stronger in the long run.
We haven't gotten official transfer calls for yet. Last Monday when we had
interviews with the Mission President, he told us pretty much what was happening.
We are pretty sure that our ward is going to get chopped into 3 sections. I am going
to say where were are at right now, and Sister Williamson (and her new companion) are
going to move more South and cover that area. So I will be staying in Naples!! At least
for another 6-12 weeks.
Sorry about my last email; I was so excited and focused on Mary that I forgot to tell
you about me not being able to email on Monday of this week. (It was Martin Luther King
Holiday, so the Library was closed) Sorry. I still feel like I am all over the place with my
emails :( Hopefully I am making a little bit of sense when I write, I worry that sometimes.
My head is all over the place and I know that I jump from thing to thing. There is so much
I want to tell you guys and just don't know where to start.
P.S. ~ Mom I still have not gotten that package.
and P.S.S. ~ You are painting my room?? Dad please help! Please don't get rid of all my stuff,
or change my room to much! I don't want to come home to a completely new house??!
Oh and please send before and after pictures....
Sister Sharon Andersen
Sister Andersen and Mary; her first baptism on the mission.
Sister Andersen with her Christmas Packages.
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